Chairman Message
“Contentment is that state of mind when we feel extremely fulfilled and joyous in our lives. It is the ultimate key to being at peace with God and in fellowship with human beings.”
Today, as the Chairman of Shiwalik International School, I feel contented and to some an extent, satisfied that we have succeeded in our mission to give a platform to our younger generation to become successful professionals and also responsible human beings who are well informed and socially aware, imbibing the core human values of compassion truthfulness and honesty. The school admission policy is such that we admit students with average results. In spite of that, Shiwalikans have been giving cent percent results both in ICSE and ISC Exams year after year. We proudly announce that we admit average students and with sheer dint of hard work and dedication we carve toppers out of them. It would not have been possible without the determination and will-power of our Principal and all staff members who take all the pains to make it happen every time
The students of this institution have all been well-placed globally, many of them studying abroad on Government scholarships. Most of the ex-students are either Doctors or Engineers. Many have passed Civil services and some of them have joined judiciary and are currently working as judges. Prominent among them are Mandeep Kaur, Roli Goyal, Lata Rana Koti, Gautam Sajwan, Sashank Gulati, Jasleen Kaur Bindra, Kawalpreet Singh, Rahul Gautam etc. Shiwalik International School will always be proud of them. I would also like to share with you that National Commission for Minorities granted the status of Minority Institution to Shiwalik International School in the year 2011. We, on our part, would like to extend all the benefits to our Patrons and work for the upliftment of our community.
The RTE Act promulgated by our Government is a positive step towards giving directions to those involved in the service of society with education. We, as Educators, should make it mandatory for ourselves to take up the responsibility of providing education to the under privileged, only then can we uplift the downtrodden strata of society. It is the need of the hour to follow the diction of “EACH ONE TEACH ONE” This will not be achieved unless we, the Management, parents, teachers and students work together as a TEAM-Together We Achieve More. So let us hold our hands together let us travel on the path less trodden, let us move in the same direction with a sense of duty, dedication and determination to achieve the greater heights_this would give us contentment and GOD will shower his blessings on all of us in this noble cause.