to Shiwalik International School

Shiwalik International School was established in 1994 with in a vision and dream to provide quality education to the children coming to the institution. Shiwalik International School is a Co-educational, day, day-boarding and a residential English medium public school situated in the Doon Valley. It is a picturesque valley set amongst the foothills of the mighty Himalayas. It is 250 km north of New Delhi and is easily accessible by road, rail and air. 35 kms to the North are Mussoorie-the Queen of Hills.

Chairman Message​

Contentment is that state of mind when we feel extremely fulfilled and joyous in our lives .It is the ultimate key to being at peace with God and in fellowship with human beings.

Today, as the Chairman of Shiwalik International School, I feel contented and to some an extent, satisfied that we have succeeded in our mission to give a platform to our younger generation to become successful professionals and also responsible human beings who are well informed and socially aware, imbibing the core human values of compassion truthfulness and honesty.

Facilities & Activities

Hostel Facility

Shiwalik International School aims to ensure the best boarding facilities a modern home can render to its inmates so that the student feel at home. The dorms are equipped with a recreation room with good indoor games facilities.


These activities are vital for the overall personality development of the children. Shiwalik International School keeps on conducting the following activities on regular basis. E.g. Co-curricular activities like…


Names for admission are registered throughout the year

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